Tips Before Moving into Your Next Student Apartment

by | Jul 8, 2022 | Student Housing Center

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Some aspects of renting student apartments in Ames, IA, are hard to understand until you experience them. The information provided is about little things that can make a big difference that students do not usually hear about before renting an apartment.

Being Kind to Your Neighbors

The excitement of being on your own for the first or second time is fun. Student apartments in Ames, IA, accommodate the needs of residents, which makes it easier for you to succeed as a student. It is easy to complicate things by being unneighborly. A little kindness can go a long way, and most people do not realize it until an issue arises that causes frustration and builds animosity. It can result in passive-aggressive activities that make time spent at home less enjoyable. On the flip side, being cordial with your neighbors can foster friendships that last a lifetime. You will not have to worry about your mail piling up when on vacation because your neighbor can remove it for you.

Getting Renters Insurance

Many people are generally optimistic about life. While that is a good trait, it should not prevent you from making wise decisions, such as getting renters insurance. There is a misconception that you do not need insurance unless you own a home. A renters insurance policy will include personal liability and property coverage. It will pay for temporary housing if something happens and you need a place to live.

Contact BlockONE at for information about student apartments in Ames, IA.

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