If the time comes when an individual finds that they are in need of assistance with regards to criminal law in Phenix City, AL, there are numerous attorneys that can be called. How does a person in this situation figure out who will be best to represent them at this time? There are certain red flags that they should be looking for as they move through the selection process, and the appearance of any one of these warning signs indicates the person should continue looking elsewhere.
Attorneys cannot guarantee the outcome of the case, although some will claim to be able to do so. There are too many elements involved and a lawyer cannot predict what a judge and/or jury will do. The most they can accurately state is what the expected outcome will be, but they should also provide other possibilities.
Many law firms now schedule consultations with a non-attorney professionals, and this person is trained to do nothing more than get a person to sign with the firm. They actually have no legal experience, but will use tactics designed to scare the client into committing with the firm, such as threatening jail time even in those cases where this isn’t a possibility. Defendants need to know the legal background of the person they are speaking to at all times, to ensure they are receiving accurate information.
Many people who are faced with criminal charges turn to the lawyer who does the most advertising. Because they are under the impression that this individual will be handling their case from start to finish. Sadly, the majority of cases are handed off to a junior associate in these practices, and clients need to understand this. During an initial consultation, the defendant must ask who will be handling the case and make his or her decision based on that, not on an ad they have seen.
Contact us to learn more about how we can be of assistance to you with your matter involving criminal law in Phenix City, AL. This is one task no individual should take on alone as the consequences can be very severe. The prosecutors work diligently to put people behind bars for their actions, thus those accused of a crime need someone working on their behalf to avoid the same. Our firm recognizes this and works to the best of our ability to get you the best outcome possible.