How Foot Surgeons in Racine Wisconsin Want Patients to Use Their Recovery Time

by | Sep 17, 2019 | Healthcare

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Recovery from foot surgery can take several weeks, but every patient can make their downtime less stressful or boring through proper preparation. Talk to the surgeon to know exactly how long to expect an interruption in daily life. Most surgeons will not have an exact date but can give patients an accurate range of time.

Have Some Helpers

Take advantage of the offer of help from friends, neighbors, and family. Make certain to have a ride home from the hospital, help with housework, and someone to run errands. If people are not available, check with local churches and community organizations to see if any programs exist in the area to help. A home health care company is another resource for those with financial resources or insurance coverage.

Prepare the Home

Foot Surgeons in Racine WI will typically instruct their patients to stay off their feet and to avoid stairs. Move everything to the ground level in the home before surgery to ensure it is within reach. Put items on lower shelves to avoid the need to stretch or climb to reach things. Clean the home and remove any tripping hazards like rugs or clutter.

Stay in Contact

Take to the medical office during recovery if anything seems unusual. Pain that medication cannot control, redness around the incision site or any unusual sensation is not something to ignore. Foot Surgeons in Racine WI offer their patients a lot of information about what to expect and what to watch for, so pay attention and notify them if anything seems wrong.

Have Some Entertainment

Every pain seems worse and every wait feels longer when boredom sets in. Line up movies to watch and have a stack of books or puzzles nearby for entertainment. Accept the offers of friends who want to stop by and play cards or talk about anything except the foot surgery when they arrive.

Patients can often shorten the length of their recovery time when they follow the orders of their medical team. Do not attempt to do more than recommended to hurry the healing along or avoid medical care out of the worry of a long recovery. Visit for more information about the treatment options available.

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